The Eurobodalla Natural History Society encourages the collection of information on the fauna and flora present in the Shire. Record-keeping is an important part of understanding the natural environment that surrounds us and establishing a basis for assessing changes that are occurring. Records cover species observed in the Eurobodalla Shire, from Durras Lake in the north to Wallaga Lake in the south and west to the Araluen, Belowra and the Great Dividing Range. (View map of the Eurobodalla Shire here) Also included are marine species seen from the headlands and islands in the Shire and during boat trips from local ports.
After each Field Meeting a record of observations is made. In addition, members who wish to participate in this aspect of the society’s activities fill out Observation Record Forms monthly and send them to the Recorder. Members also submit less formal reports through the Society’s Facebook Group.
The information is entered into a database, and every three months highlights are published in the Newsletter so that everyone is informed. At the end of each year, all records are summarised in the publication Nature in Eurobodalla.
Download Observation Record Form
Records of species not listed on the normal form can be reported using an Unusual Records Report Form.
The systematic collection of members’ observations provides a sound basis for identifying species new to the Eurobodalla. Over the past 35 years, many species have been identified as extending their range into the Eurobodalla, and some are now here permanently. Arrivals including several bird species, such as the Crested Pigeon, White-headed Pigeon, Little Corella, Australasian Figbird, Eastern Koel and Common Myna. Records for the Bent-wing Ghost Moth provided to the CSIRO confirmed a new southern limit for the species. Records also show that some species, such as the European Greenfinch and Eurasian Skylark, are no longer seen in the area.
Information on the status of threatened species is also collected and reported to the relevant authorities – for instance, Swift Parrot and Regent Honeyeater. Members have also worked with the National Parks and Wildlife Service in shorebird monitoring programs and in surveying Greater Glider populations south of the Moruya River.
For more information on the database or how to participate please contact Julie Morgan on 0457 637 227 or to contact us via email recorder [at] enhs.org.au (replace the [at] in the email address with @).