The links below are to sites that birders may find useful.
Birdata is an Australian bird observation recording web site managed by BirdLife Australia. In addition to recording your own observations you can explore the eBird database for observations recorded in a particular region.
The CornellLab of Ornithology host eBird, which is a bird observation recording web site. In addition to recording your own observations you can explore the eBird database for all observations for a particular region. Bird watching hotspots can also be identified using the eBird mapping feature.
The CornellLab of Ornithology have created a Smart Phone App that used artificial intelligence to help you identify bird calls. The App is available from the Apple App Store and Google Play.
xeno-canto is a web based, searchable, collection of bird call recordings that you can upload your bird recordings to and play back recordings to help you identify bird calls.